Guns, Schools and PTSD!

Growing up in the 1980s and going to school was very stressful.  I constantly had to watch my back and avoid being bullied for any reason whatsoever.   I honestly was scared to go to school. The teachers and principals didn't do much about it except to say, STOP!  But, It didn't stop.  In fact over the years it has gotten worse.  Now kids don't have to worry just about being bullied. But the police are in and out of our schools and teenagers are bringing guns, knives, and other weapons to school to either protect themselves or intimidate others. Bullying has taken on a new face of organized crime and teenagers are having felonies on their record before they even graduate.  If they graduate.  

Our schools in major cities in the United States have become more like a prison. and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is affecting the minds of our kids just like it affects our soldiers coming home from WAR!  How do you expect your children to learn and have a great quality of life while they have to worry about their own survival.  

this article and artwork is written and drawn by Sam Nicholson.